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RFRadio Frequency
Radio Frequency
HFHigh Frequency (3-30 MHz)
High Frequency (3-30 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz)
VHFVery High Frequency (30-300 MHz)
Very High Frequency (30-300 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz)
UHFUltra High Frequency (300-3000 MHz)
Ultra High Frequency (300-3000 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz)
MFMedium Frequency (300-3000 kHz)
Medium Frequency (300-3000 kHzKiloHertz (kHz) 10^3 Hz)
LFLow Frequency (30-300 kHz)
Low Frequency (30-300 kHzKiloHertz (kHz) 10^3 Hz)
VLFVery Low Frequency (3-30 kHz)
Very Low Frequency (3-30 kHzKiloHertz (kHz) 10^3 Hz)

PWMPulse Width Modulation
Pulse Width Modulation
MSKMinimum-Shift Keying (When Shift/Bd = 0.5. It is impossible to get this ratio to be lower than 0.5, hence it is called the 'Minimum' shift.)
Minimum-Shift Keying (When Shift/BdBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second. = 0.5. It is impossible to get this ratio to be lower than 0.5, hence it is called the 'Minimum' shift.)
GMSKGaussian Minimum-Shift Keying
Gaussian Minimum-Shift Keying
FSKFrequency-Shift Keying
Frequency-Shift Keying
GFSKGaussian Frequency-Shift Keying
Gaussian Frequency-Shift Keying
FFSKFast Frequency-Shift Keying
Fast Frequency-Shift Keying
AFSKAudio Frequency-Shift Keying
Audio Frequency-Shift Keying
PSKPhase-Shift Keying
Phase-Shift Keying
BPSKBinary Phase-Shift Keying (1 bit per symbol)
2-PSKBinary Phase-Shift Keying (1 bit per symbol)
2PSKBinary Phase-Shift Keying (1 bit per symbol)
Binary Phase-Shift Keying (1 bit per symbol)
QPSKQuadrature Phase-Shift Keying (2 bits per symbol)
4-PSKQuadrature Phase-Shift Keying (2 bits per symbol)
4PSKQuadrature Phase-Shift Keying (2 bits per symbol)
Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (2 bits per symbol)
8PSK8-Phase Phase-Shift Keying (3 bits per symbol)
8-PSK8-Phase Phase-Shift Keying (3 bits per symbol)
8-Phase Phase-Shift Keying (3 bits per symbol)
DPSKDifferential Phase-Shift Keying
Differential Phase-Shift Keying
DQPSKDifferential Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying
Differential Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying
QAMQuadrature Amplitude Modulation
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
MPSKMultiple Phase-Shift Keying
Multiple Phase-Shift Keying
CQPSKContinuous Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying
Continuous Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying
ASKAmplitude-Shift Keying
Amplitude-Shift Keying
PAMPulse Amplitude Modulation
Pulse Amplitude Modulation
PPMPulse Position Modulation
Pulse Position Modulation
C4FMContinuous 4-Level Frequency Modulation
Continuous 4-Level Frequency Modulation
4FSK4-Level Frequency Shift Keying
4-Level Frequency Shift Keying
OOKOn-Off Keying Modulation
On-Off Keying Modulation
IFKIncremental Frequency Keying
Incremental Frequency Keying
IFK+Offset Incremental Frequency Keying
Offset Incremental Frequency Keying
BdBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second.
bdBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second.
BaudBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second.
baudBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second.
BaudBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second. (unit symbol BdBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second.) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second.
kBdkilobaud, kilosymbols per second (ksym/s)
kilobaud, kilosymbols per second (ksym/s)
bpsBits per second (bps)
bit/sBits per second (bps)
bits/sBits per second (bps)
Bits per second (bpsBits per second (bps))
kbpsKilobits per second (kbps)
kbits/sKilobits per second (kbps)
kbit/sKilobits per second (kbps)
Kilobits per second (kbpsKilobits per second (kbps))
MFSKMultiple Frequency Shift-Keying
Multiple Frequency Shift-Keying
OFDMOrthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing
Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing
COFDMCoded Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing
Coded Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing
CWContinuous Wave
Continuous Wave
ARQAutomatic Repeat reQuestAutomatic Repeat Query
Automatic Repeat reQuest
Automatic Repeat Query
FECForward Error Correction
Forward Error Correction
HzHertz (Hz), unit of frequency, defined as one cycle per second (1 Hz).
Hertz (HzHertz (Hz), unit of frequency, defined as one cycle per second (1 Hz).), unit of frequency, defined as one cycle per second (1 HzHertz (Hz), unit of frequency, defined as one cycle per second (1 Hz).).
KHzKiloHertz (kHz) 10^3 Hz
kHzKiloHertz (kHz) 10^3 Hz
KiloHertz (kHzKiloHertz (kHz) 10^3 Hz) 10^3 HzHertz (Hz), unit of frequency, defined as one cycle per second (1 Hz).
MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz
MegaHertz (MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz) 10^6 HzHertz (Hz), unit of frequency, defined as one cycle per second (1 Hz).
GHzGigaHertz (GHz) 10^9 Hz
GigaHertz (GHzGigaHertz (GHz) 10^9 Hz) 10^9 HzHertz (Hz), unit of frequency, defined as one cycle per second (1 Hz).
dBThe decibel (dB) is a logarithmic unit used to express the ratio of two values of a physical quantity, here the strength of a received signal.
The decibel (dBThe decibel (dB) is a logarithmic unit used to express the ratio of two values of a physical quantity, here the strength of a received signal.) is a logarithmic unit used to express the ratio of two values of a physical quantity, here the strength of a received signal.
USBUpper Side Band Modulation (Radio, referring to reception and modulation mode)Universal Serial Bus (Computer, referring to USB Ports and cables)
Upper Side Band Modulation (Radio, referring to reception and modulation mode)
Universal Serial Bus (Computer, referring to USBUpper Side Band Modulation (Radio, referring to reception and modulation mode)Universal Serial Bus (Computer, referring to USB Ports and cables) Ports and cables)
LSBLower Side Band Modulation
Lower Side Band Modulation
AMAmplitude Modulation
Amplitude Modulation
FMFrequency Modulation
Frequency Modulation
NFMNarrowband Frequency Modulation
Narrowband Frequency Modulation
WFMWideband Frequency Modulation
Wideband Frequency Modulation
SSBSingle-sideband modulation
Single-sideband modulation
DSBDual Side Band Modulation
Dual Side Band Modulation
ISBIndependent Side Band Modulation
Independent Side Band Modulation
VSBVestigial Sideband Modulation
Vestigial Sideband Modulation
CCIRComité Consultatif International pour la Radio (Predecessor of the ITU-R)
Comité Consultatif International pour la Radio (Predecessor of the ITU-R)
VFTVoice Frequency Telegraphy
Voice Frequency Telegraphy
ALEAutomatic Link Establishment
Automatic Link Establishment
RTTYRadio TeleTYpe
Radio TeleTYpe
FDMAFrequency Division Multiple Access
Frequency Division Multiple Access
CDMACode Division Multiple Access
Code Division Multiple Access
TDMATime Division Multiple Access
Time Division Multiple Access
STANAGNATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG), defines processes, procedures, terms, and conditions for common military or technical procedures or equipment between the member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization Standardization Agreement (STANAGNATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG), defines processes, procedures, terms, and conditions for common military or technical procedures or equipment between the member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).), defines processes, procedures, terms, and conditions for common military or technical procedures or equipment between the member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization).
NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
CISCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the former Soviet Republic
Commonwealth of Independent States (CISCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the former Soviet Republic), the former Soviet Republic
PTTPush To TalkPress to TransmitMinistries of Postal, Telephone, and Telegraph Service (Soviet Agency)
Push To Talk
Press to Transmit
Ministries of Postal, Telephone, and Telegraph Service (Soviet Agency)
FAPSIFederal Agency of Government Communications and Information (Russian Agency)
Federal Agency of Government Communications and Information (Russian Agency)
ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards Institute. An independent, not-for-profit, standardization organization in the telecommunications industry in Europe, developing global telecommunications standards.
European Telecommunications Standards Institute. An independent, not-for-profit, standardization organization in the telecommunications industry in Europe, developing global telecommunications standards.
APRSAutomatic Packet Reporting System, an amateur radio-based system for real time tactical digital communications of information of immediate value in the local area
Automatic Packet Reporting System, an amateur radio-based system for real time tactical digital communications of information of immediate value in the local area
QRPIn amateur radio, QRP operation refers to transmitting at reduced power while attempting to maximize one's effective range.
In amateur radio, QRPIn amateur radio, QRP operation refers to transmitting at reduced power while attempting to maximize one's effective range. operation refers to transmitting at reduced power while attempting to maximize one's effective range.
ARCSAutomatic Radio Control System
Automatic Radio Control System
ISSInformation Sending Station in an ARQ link (The station sending information to the recipient). Usually the signal that's longer in duration than the short RQ (Repeat Request) bursts from the IRS.
Information Sending Station in an ARQAutomatic Repeat reQuestAutomatic Repeat Query link (The station sending information to the recipient). Usually the signal that's longer in duration than the short RQ (Repeat Request) bursts from the IRSInformation Receiving Station in an ARQ link (The station receiving information from the ISS. Will send RQ's (Repeat Request) to let the ISS know the information was received successfully..
IRSInformation Receiving Station in an ARQ link (The station receiving information from the ISS. Will send RQ's (Repeat Request) to let the ISS know the information was received successfully.
Information Receiving Station in an ARQAutomatic Repeat reQuestAutomatic Repeat Query link (The station receiving information from the ISSInformation Sending Station in an ARQ link (The station sending information to the recipient). Usually the signal that's longer in duration than the short RQ (Repeat Request) bursts from the IRS.. Will send RQ's (Repeat Request) to let the ISSInformation Sending Station in an ARQ link (The station sending information to the recipient). Usually the signal that's longer in duration than the short RQ (Repeat Request) bursts from the IRS. know the information was received successfully.
OTHOver The Horizon (very long range)
Over The Horizon (very long range)
ECCMElectronic Counter-CounterMeasures (ECCM) is a part of electronic warfare which includes a variety of practices which attempt to reduce or eliminate the effect of electronic countermeasures (ECM) such as jamming. ECCM is also known as electronic protective measures (EPM), chiefly in Europe.
Electronic Counter-CounterMeasures (ECCMElectronic Counter-CounterMeasures (ECCM) is a part of electronic warfare which includes a variety of practices which attempt to reduce or eliminate the effect of electronic countermeasures (ECM) such as jamming. ECCM is also known as electronic protective measures (EPM), chiefly in Europe.) is a part of electronic warfare which includes a variety of practices which attempt to reduce or eliminate the effect of electronic countermeasures (ECMAn Electronic CounterMeasure (ECM) is an electrical or electronic device designed to trick or deceive radar, sonar or jam communication links. It may be used both offensively and defensively to deny information to an enemy.) such as jamming. ECCMElectronic Counter-CounterMeasures (ECCM) is a part of electronic warfare which includes a variety of practices which attempt to reduce or eliminate the effect of electronic countermeasures (ECM) such as jamming. ECCM is also known as electronic protective measures (EPM), chiefly in Europe. is also known as electronic protective measures (EPM), chiefly in Europe.
ECMAn Electronic CounterMeasure (ECM) is an electrical or electronic device designed to trick or deceive radar, sonar or jam communication links. It may be used both offensively and defensively to deny information to an enemy.
An Electronic CounterMeasure (ECMAn Electronic CounterMeasure (ECM) is an electrical or electronic device designed to trick or deceive radar, sonar or jam communication links. It may be used both offensively and defensively to deny information to an enemy.) is an electrical or electronic device designed to trick or deceive radar, sonar or jam communication links. It may be used both offensively and defensively to deny information to an enemy.
MDTMobile Data Terminal, A mobile data terminal (MDT) is a computerized device used in public transit vehicles, taxicabs, commercial trucking fleets, military logistics, and emergency vehicles, such as police cars, to communicate with a central dispatch office.
Mobile Data Terminal, A mobile data terminal (MDTMobile Data Terminal, A mobile data terminal (MDT) is a computerized device used in public transit vehicles, taxicabs, commercial trucking fleets, military logistics, and emergency vehicles, such as police cars, to communicate with a central dispatch office.) is a computerized device used in public transit vehicles, taxicabs, commercial trucking fleets, military logistics, and emergency vehicles, such as police cars, to communicate with a central dispatch office.
msmilliseconds (.001 of a second)
milliseconds (.001 of a second)
PITPassenger Information Terminals, such as bus timetable displays at bus stops
Passenger Information Terminals, such as bus timetable displays at bus stops
IBOCIn-Band On-Channel (IBOC) is a hybrid method of transmitting digital radio and analog radio broadcast signals simultaneously on the same frequency.
In-Band On-Channel (IBOCIn-Band On-Channel (IBOC) is a hybrid method of transmitting digital radio and analog radio broadcast signals simultaneously on the same frequency.) is a hybrid method of transmitting digital radio and analog radio broadcast signals simultaneously on the same frequency.
ACFAutoCorrelation Function
AutoCorrelation Function
EOTEnd of Transmission
End of Transmission
IQQuadrature signals form the basis of complex RF signal modulation and demodulation, both in hardware and in software, as well as in complex signal analysis.
Quadrature signals form the basis of complex RFRadio Frequency signal modulation and demodulation, both in hardware and in software, as well as in complex signal analysis.
IPInternet protocol
Internet protocol
EMIElectromagnetic interference
Electromagnetic interference
RFIa specific subset of electrical noise on the Electromagnetic interference (EMI) spectrum
a specific subset of electrical noise on the Electromagnetic interference (EMIElectromagnetic interference) spectrum
IOTInternet of Things
IoTInternet of Things
Internet of Things
VSWRVoltage Standing Wave Ratio, a measurement of the accuracy of impedance matching at a point of connection. It is expressed as a ratio e.g. 1.3:1
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio, a measurement of the accuracy of impedance matching at a point of connection. It is expressed as a ratio e.g. 1.3:1
LNBLow Noise Block converter
Low Noise Block converter
BUCBlock Up Converter, a combination of Up converter and Power Amplifier.
Block Up Converter, a combination of Up converter and Power Amplifier.
EMCElectromagnetic compatibility - Extent to which electrical appliances can withstand each others radiated fields
Electromagnetic compatibility - Extent to which electrical appliances can withstand each others radiated fields
EIRPpower transmitted from an antenna.EIRP=Power +Antenna Gain. EIRP and Power is expressed in dBW, but Gain in dBi.
power transmitted from an antenna.EIRPpower transmitted from an antenna.EIRP=Power +Antenna Gain. EIRP and Power is expressed in dBW, but Gain in dBi.=Power +Antenna Gain. EIRPpower transmitted from an antenna.EIRP=Power +Antenna Gain. EIRP and Power is expressed in dBW, but Gain in dBi. and Power is expressed in dBW, but Gain in dBidecibel isotropic – the forward gain of an antenna compared with the hypothetical isotropic antenna, which uniformly distributes energy in all directions..
dBidecibel isotropic – the forward gain of an antenna compared with the hypothetical isotropic antenna, which uniformly distributes energy in all directions.
decibel isotropic – the forward gain of an antenna compared with the hypothetical isotropic antenna, which uniformly distributes energy in all directions.