Talk:Rain Master sprinkler control

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I have no idea what this is supposed to be. Either its a SelCall of sorts, or something else related. Let me do you a solid -> Im going to *reformat this page* to have a proper FMFrequency Modulation waterfall and audio clip thats been properly processed by the html5 media tags. It may look a bit different, but it will be the same tone, same waterfall on the same frequency (however, the FMFrequency Modulation and the frequency that it will be on, will be simulated, instead). --> Yalek W (talk).

I believe this signal is related to an older series of the Rain Master sprinkler control products. --Kovirii (talk) 12:31, 15 December 2022 (NZDT)

That's it. The FCC has 2 listings for Rain Master, and they both transmit on 154.6 --SwornEnema (talk) 11:02, 16 December 2022 (NZDT)