Distributed Power Unit (DPU)

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Distributed Power Unit (DPU)
Frequencies 457.925 MHz
Frequency Range 457.925 MHz - 457.925 MHz
Mode NFM
Emission Designator
Bandwidth 6 kHz
Location Worldwide
Short Description Distributed power refers to the placing of an extra locomotive at an intermediate point in the middle section of a train. This locomotive unit is remotely controlled from the lead locomotive, and greatly increases both the pulling and stopping power of longer trains.
I/Q Raw Recording
Audio Sample

Distributed power refers to the placing of an extra locomotive at an intermediate point in the middle section of a train. This locomotive unit is remotely controlled from the lead locomotive, and greatly increases both the pulling and stopping power of longer trains.


  • 457.925 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz

Decoding Software[edit]

Hobby Level Software
  • SoftDPU (Note requires that you have a Groups.io account, and membership requires approval)

Video Examples[edit]

Additional Links[edit]